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Why should my child consider writing a book?

October 11, 20233 min read

Hey there! Snuggle up in your favorite blanket and let me share a heartwarming winter tale with you.

Last Christmas, I was cozied up by the fireplace, engrossed in a book, when my 9-year-old, Sky, came up to me, his face glowing with excitement.

He sat down close, the warmth of the fire casting dancing shadows on his face.

What if I wrote a book?” he asked, the flames reflecting in his curious eyes.

I paused, a little taken aback.

You see, while we often envision children as listeners of epic tales, rarely do we think of them as weavers of grand stories.

Looking into Sky's earnest eyes, I had an epiphany.


They’re pockets of boundless imagination waiting to be unzipped.

“Why not?” I replied, eager to hear him out.

“I’ve been thinking,” Sky started, “I want to create something, something bigger...”

That's how this book was born "What Happens When Goats Trade Places."

Skyller Story

And so, by the firelight, we journeyed into a captivating conversation, and here’s what we discovered:

  1. An Adventure into the Complex: Sky, like many kids, wasn't just about sports or video games. They want challenges. They’re keen on diving into the vast ocean of their imagination, searching for buried treasure. Writing a book might be the perfect expedition.

  2. Dollars and Goals: Sky fondly recalled his 'business venture' – selling homemade Christmas cookies. Kids have this incredible entrepreneurial spirit! With platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, even our young ones can share their stories and earn from it. “Imagine, dad, buying my own football boots with the money from my book!”

  3. Building a Treasure Trove: I spoke to Sky about passive income. “Think of it like training for football. First, you put in the hard work, and then, during the game, you see the results.” A book is similar – it's an effort that continues to reward.

  4. Following Their Bliss: Sky's eyes lit up when he talked about happiness and how it felt scoring a goal in football or landing a perfect shot in hockey. Writing could be another avenue for kids like him to chase what brings them sheer joy and express it.

  5. The Spotlight Awaits: “Wouldn’t it be something if I got interviewed because of my book?” Sky wondered aloud. Publishing could indeed usher our kids into a world of interviews, media interactions, and their very own moments under the sun.

As the fire dwindled and the room filled with the aroma of pine and cinnamon, I realized Sky's potential and the countless stories untold by kids everywhere.

Our young ones have the power to fill pages with magic and wonder.

So, the next time your little champ comes up with a seemingly lofty idea, lean in, and listen. Maybe, just maybe, you're talking to the next great author of his generation!

What's your take?

Could your child be the next storytelling sensation?

The idea of a child writing a book might seem ambitious, but with the right guidance and encouragement, it's a highly attainable goal.

Not only will your child learn and grow immensely during the process, but they will also have a tangible product of their hard work and creativity.

Everyone wants to write a book... ONLY 1 % EVER DO

It's more than just Writing, Illustrating and Publishing A Book

  • kids find their passion

  • they do something about that passion

  • they collaborate with each other

  • they learn the power of leverage

  • they build an asset that generates passive income

  • they learn how to deal with media and PR in the digital age

Talk to us to learn more about how we can help your child.

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Natalya Story

Award-Winning Author, Entrepreneur, Founder, Podcast Host, Mom of Two

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