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Modern Education System

August 28, 2023โ€ข10 min read

By Accident Or By Design?

Modern Education System is Designed To Raise Obedient Consumers, NOT Producers - That Was the Plan of Rockefeller and Carnegie. But Parents Still Have A Choice.

But educational experts continue to remain silent about a new effective method for preparing kids for uncertain future, while the potential of children and teens goes untapped every day!

Last year, the world lost countless opportunities for young business prodigies due to a lack of support and guidance that could have nurtured their potential.

We managed to talk to young entrepreneur's parents and they shared insights into the tragedy that has unfolded and why so many young minds are left without the tools to succeed.

Back To School

According to Natalya Story, parents often struggle to access resources that can help their kids explore their entrepreneurial interests. They're willing to invest significant resources in their children's future, but often end up directing them towards conventional career paths without nurturing their creative thinking and business acumen.

As time goes by, the potential to develop a strong entrepreneurial mindset diminishes, and children miss out on opportunities that could have shaped their future.

Missed Opportunities For Kids

The situation calls for a change in perspective.

Young minds are incredibly adaptable and capable of innovation. If we don't provide them with the right resources and mentorship, we risk depriving the world of the next generation of game changers.

Reporter: Natalya, do you believe that early exposure to entrepreneurship can make a difference in a child's future success?

Natalya Story: Absolutely, it's like giving them a head start. Young minds are curious and creative by nature. Nurturing those qualities with entrepreneurship education can pave the way for innovative thinking, problem-solving, and leadership skills. Just like any skill, entrepreneurship can be taught and honed from a young age.

By not giving children the tools to explore their entrepreneurial potential, we are essentially denying them the opportunity to make a real impact in their lives and society. It's akin to ignoring a fire that has the potential to light up the world.

Reporter: How can parents and educators help instill entrepreneurial values in children?

Natalya Story:

๐ŸŒŸ It starts with fostering a growth mindset, where failure is seen as a stepping stone to success.Encourage kids to think outside the box, identify problems, and find creative solutions. Teach them the basics of financial literacy and how to turn an idea into a viable business plan.

๐ŸŒŸ By creating an environment that values risk-taking and innovative thinking, we can nurture a generation of entrepreneurs who are unafraid to pursue their dreams. Just as with any other skill, practice and guidance make all the difference in a child's entrepreneurial journey.

๐ŸŒŸ Empowering kids to become young entrepreneurs requires a shift in how we view education and future careers. By nurturing their creativity, teaching them business fundamentals, and instilling a sense of purpose, we can help them become the business leaders of tomorrow, enriching not only their own lives but also the world around them.

The world of entrepreneurship can be just as elusive! Opportunities may slip away swiftly, leaving budding business moguls unrealized. And if proactive guidance isn't provided in time, potential young entrepreneurs may never see their ideas come to fruition.

In the forthcoming article, you will delve into:

- What sparks problems with nurturing entrepreneurial skills in children?

- What other unrealized potentials stem from insufficient exposure to business education at a young age?

- How can one identify signs that a child's entrepreneurial spirit needs nurturing?

- Is fostering entrepreneurship in children a challenging endeavor?

- What are the repercussions of overlooking entrepreneurial education, and what can it lead to in the long run?

- Are there modern, effective methods to ignite the entrepreneurial spirit in kids, and why aren't they widely accessible yet?

After conversing with Natalya Story, our editorial team sought insights from an advocate for education revolution.


Dr. Cherry, hello! It wasn't long ago that stories of young entrepreneurs making waves in industries from tech to fashion filled the headlines. Their innovative ideas were seen as harbingers of a promising future. Yet, today we see a gap - the untapped potential of our young minds. What might be hindering the blossoming of these young business prodigies?

Dr. Cherry:

Greetings! It is true that many potential business leaders have yet to unleash their creative energies.

The issue stems from the lack of proper nurturing and guidance in their formative years. While we witness the success stories, behind the scenes, there are countless untapped talents whose potential remains dormant due to the absence of effective educational approaches tailored to their entrepreneurial inclinations.
The loss of such potential entrepreneurs poses a significant setback for our society.

Often, parents attempt to guide their children towards conventional career paths without realizing that fostering a young entrepreneur's spirit can lead to groundbreaking innovations.

Let me clarify, it's not about discarding traditional education, but about complementing it with an entrepreneurial mindset that empowers kids to think outside the box, identify challenges, and devise innovative solutions.


Are you implying that the young are inherently wired for entrepreneurship?

Dr. Cherry:

Absolutely, they possess a natural curiosity and openness to exploration that are essential traits of entrepreneurs.

However, just like any other skill, entrepreneurship requires nurturing and development.

By engaging children in entrepreneurial education, we're not only imparting business acumen but also encouraging skills like critical thinking, adaptability, and leadership that are invaluable in any aspect of life.
The omission of entrepreneurial nurturing robs them of a potential path that could shape their future and contribute to our society's progress.


How can parents and educators effectively cultivate entrepreneurial values in kids?

Dr. Cherry:

It all begins with cultivating a growth mindset, where setbacks are seen as stepping stones.

Encouraging them to explore their ideas, teaching basic financial concepts, and guiding them through creating simple business plans all contribute to building their entrepreneurial foundation.

By creating an environment that champions innovative thinking and risk-taking, we foster the emergence of a generation unafraid to pursue their visions.

Empowering the Business Leaders of Tomorrow
Nurturing kids to become young entrepreneurs necessitates a paradigm shift in our approach to education and future prospects.

By fostering creativity, imparting business fundamentals, and igniting a sense of purpose, we can equip them to become the business pioneers of the future.

The time has come to unlock ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿš€ the entrepreneurial potential latent within each young mind and to ignite a spark that could drive innovation for generations to come.

Entrepreneurship for kids in days of modern education system

Imagine, entrepreneurship for kids is like an exciting treasure map, revealing a world of possibilities before them.

This map allows them to embark on an adventurous journey, where ideas and creativity serve as their guiding stars.

Now, picture that all the paths on this map are blocked. Barriers arise, and young entrepreneurs are unable to reach their goals. A scarcity of inspiration and self-realization emerges.

Reporter: What kind of barriers, for example?

Dr. Cherry: You'd be surprised, but even at a young age, kids can face challenges that could hinder their entrepreneurial pursuits. Some of the most common ones are:

  • Lack of supportive environment, which can hinder the development of their ideas.

  • Fear of failure, which might halt their progress towards achieving their goals.

  • Limited knowledge about basic business principles.

  • Constraints in terms of resources, both financial and temporal.

Now, envision that due to a lack of support and fear of failure, kids lose interest in entrepreneurship, and their creative ideas remain unrealized. This could lead to missed opportunities and the loss of potential future leaders.

And do you think adults will attempt to inspire and educate kids about entrepreneurship? Not at all! In most cases, children will be directed down the traditional path of education, often ignoring their creative potential. And as we can see, this leads toโ€ฆ

Young minds miss out on opportunities not because of their lack of abilities, but due to insufficient support and inspiration!

Did you know that young entrepreneurs are shaping the world around us?

Let's unravel the exciting world of kids' entrepreneurship! ๐Ÿ”๐ŸŒ

- Unlocking Potential: Encourage your children to dream big and think outside the box. Entrepreneurship is all about transforming ideas into reality.

- Cultivating Confidence: Through entrepreneurship, kids can learn to believe in themselves and their abilities. It's a journey that builds self-assurance from a young age.

- Teamwork and Leadership: Starting a venture teaches kids about collaboration, leadership, and effective communication. These skills are invaluable for their future endeavors.

- Creative Problem Solving: Entrepreneurship empowers kids to tackle challenges with creativity and resourcefulness. They learn that every problem has a solution waiting to be discovered.

- Global Perspective: In the digital age, young entrepreneurs can create businesses with a global reach. Let your kids explore the world of e-commerce and online platforms.

- Goal Setting: Setting and achieving goals is an essential aspect of entrepreneurship. Your kids will learn to set targets and work persistently to accomplish them.

- Inspire Innovation: Kids have incredible imaginations. Entrepreneurship encourages them to channel that creativity into innovative products and services.

- Lifelong Learning: Entrepreneurial journeys are filled with learning experiences. Your kids will develop a passion for continuous learning and personal growth.

- Parental Support: As parents, you play a vital role in nurturing your child's entrepreneurial spirit. Encourage their ideas, provide guidance, and celebrate their achievements!

Shift the narrative from lack of opportunities to possibilities.

Instead of fearing the unknown, empower your kids to shape their own futures through entrepreneurship. Let them become the architects of their dreams! ๐Ÿ—๏ธ

Kidpreneurs Dream Big

Reporter: Do you think traditional schools can't prepare kids for that?

Dr. Cherry: Parents obediently sent their kids off to school, but let's be honestโ€”what's the grand plan here? A stellar career? A mundane job?

Are we raising a generation of kids who will just end up chasing dwindling opportunities? They're told to dream big, but seriously, what are they supposed to dream of? The reality check?

Most traditional jobs are destined to be devoured by the insatiable jaws of AI. So, kids will grow up to be... what exactly? It's time we faced the music and asked ourselves: Are we preparing them for a world of innovation or just programming them for obsolescence?

Reporter: Do you see the solution?

Dr. Cherry: In a world dominated by AI and robotics, it's time to shift gears and explore the untapped potential of entrepreneurial education.

Traditional schooling might not cut it anymore. Instead of just sending them to school and hoping for the best, let's empower our kids with the skills and mindset they need to thrive in this uncertain future.

Entrepreneurial education goes beyond the confines of textbooks and standardized tests.

It's about fostering creativity, adaptability, critical thinking, and problem-solvingโ€”the very skills that AI can't replicate.

By nurturing an entrepreneurial spirit from an early age, we're preparing our kids to take charge of their own destinies.

I highly recommend My Kid Entrepreneur Academy for kids to explore all the possibilities of entrepreneurship.

Kidpreneurs Academy - Entrepreneurship For Kids

Imagine our children growing up with the confidence to identify problems, create innovative solutions, and turn ideas into reality.

They won't just be job-seekers; they'll be job creators.

Whether they choose to start their own ventures or bring a fresh perspective to existing industries, they'll be equipped to navigate the unpredictable waters of the future.

So, let's break the mold and introduce our kids to entrepreneurial education.

Let's show them that there's more to life than memorizing facts and figures.

It's about shaping their minds to embrace change, seize opportunities, and contribute meaningfully to the world.

In a landscape where AI and robotics are rewriting the rules, let's give our children the edge they deserveโ€”an education that empowers them to lead, innovate, and thrive.

Zach Story

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