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Math education based in neuroscience

August 17, 20233 min read

In the realm of education, few individuals have contributed as significantly to the understanding and teaching of mathematics as Jo Boaler.

A Stanford University professor, researcher, and advocate for mathematical learning, Boaler has pioneered innovative approaches to math education that challenge traditional methods and empower students to embrace their mathematical potential.

One such revolutionary initiative is the "Struggly" program, a transformative approach to teaching math that aims to eliminate math anxiety and promote a growth mindset among students.

Jo Boaler: A Visionary in Mathematics Education

Jo Boaler's work has challenged conventional beliefs about mathematics as a rigid subject and has instead emphasized its fluid, creative, and accessible nature.

Her book "Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students' Potential Through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching" (Jo Boaler, 2016) has become a cornerstone in redefining math education.

Boaler's research has highlighted the significance of fostering a growth mindset 😍, which encourages the idea that intelligence and skills can be developed through effort, practice, and effective strategies.

Struggly Program: Redefining the Way Math is Taught

At the heart of Jo Boaler's innovative approach to math education lies the "Struggly" program.

Unlike traditional math instruction that promotes rote memorization and emphasizes speed, Struggly focuses on deep understanding, collaboration, and perseverance.

The name itself reflects Boaler's philosophy – that it's okay to struggle with math, as long as students are given the tools and support to overcome those challenges.

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The program encourages educators to create an environment where students are comfortable making mistakes and taking risks.

It values the process of problem-solving over just finding the right answer and emphasizes the importance of multiple strategies to arrive at a solution.

By valuing different pathways to understanding, the Struggly program aims to reduce anxiety and build confidence in students, which is a crucial step in fostering a positive relationship with mathematics.

Math Anxiety: A Hurdle Overcome

Math anxiety is a common issue that many students, and even adults, struggle with.

Boaler's approach actively addresses this challenge by emphasizing the importance of a positive mindset and the notion that mistakes are an integral part of the learning process.

In her online courses, like "How to Learn Math for Teachers," Boaler guides educators to identify and address math anxiety in their classrooms, offering strategies to create a supportive learning environment where students can thrive.


Impact and Future Possibilities

The impact of Jo Boaler's work and the Struggly program has been profound, inspiring educators and students alike to embrace a new way of approaching math.

The program's principles are gaining traction globally, and educators are witnessing transformations in students' attitudes and abilities in mathematics.

With the continued integration of growth mindset strategies and collaborative problem-solving, the Struggly program has the potential to reshape the future of math education, equipping students with essential skills for a rapidly changing world.


Jo Boaler's dedication to reshaping math education has sparked a revolution in classrooms around the world.

Her Struggly program, with its emphasis on growth mindset, problem-solving, and embracing challenges, offers a refreshing perspective on mathematics that empowers students to unlock their full potential.

By embracing the principles of the Struggly program, educators can transform math from a source of anxiety into a realm of curiosity, creativity, and limitless growth.

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Natalya Story

Award-Winning Author, Entrepreneur, Founder, Podcast Host, Mom of Two

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