Want To Help Your Kids Become An Entrepreneur?

"Bridge The Gap Between Learning and Doing - Bring Real-World Experience Into Your Kids' Entrepreneurial Journey"

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My son Sky was just 6 years old when he became an Entrepreneur…

It happened in May of 2020…

At the very beginning of the pandemic…

He overheard me and Natalya talking and realized the flower shops were closed…


He had an idea of how to make some money…

To sell flowers that grow in our backyard…

Lilies Of The Valley…

Natalya made a quick post inside a local FB group…

And before you know it, we had people pulling up to our house to buy some flowers…

Sky made $293 in just a couple of weeks…

Then came the summer and naturally he decided to sell lemonade…

His first day he sold out in less than an hour and made $125 selling a large cup of lemonade for $2.50…

He also learned that day that some people are very generous tippers 🙂

( Especially when it comes to Kidpreneurs…)

Now his brain was churning at full speed…

What else can I sell?

Naturally, as parents we went online and ordered every resource we could find for Kidpreneurs to help him learn about:




Influence & Persuasion…

But everything (and I mean everything) made for kids was so…


Like kids aren’t capable of coming up with awesome solutions to real world problems and figuring out how to make them a reality…

We knew different…

As lifelong Entrepreneurs who just had a multimillion dollar exit in 2019 we wanted to create a resource for kids that would empower them to become true Entrepreneurs…

Modern Era Kidpreneurs…

Not kids who only sell lemonade or homemade jewelry or clean driveways in the winter…

We wanted to create something that would teach them about:

  • How to Brainstorm and come up with their business idea…

  • How to Market and turn that idea into a reality…

  • How to set SMART Goals and Focus…

  • What is an Entrepreneurial Mindset and the importance of Habits...

  • And of course give them examples of what’s possible for kids today…

  • And Why it’s so cool to be an Entrepreneur!

So, we put this book together for our own Son…

And while we were writing and illustrating it we were testing how well it’s understood and applied to our Son.

And by doing the worksheets inside this book Sky came up with another great idea…

So to get kids to wash their hands more often…

(which is what every parent at the time wanted their kids to do)...

He decided to make soaps with a toy inside…

To get to the toy - kids gotta wash their hands more often 🙂

And the first batch…

And the first Failure…

He made the soaps white, so kids couldn’t see the toy inside the soap…

And his marketing idea failed…

But as he learned inside the almost ready book Failure is just Feedback…

So he applied what he learned…

Made the soaps clear so kids could see the toy…

And Bang!

His first day selling those was at an Acton Business Fair for kids where not only he sold $325 of soap…

He also earned their Certificate For The Most Original Product!

And now your kids too can follow proven frameworks…

And become Real-World Entrepreneurs!

But don’t just take my word for it…

You can check out the book for yourself…

Just put your name and email below and view everything inside the book on the next page…

And once you do, I’m also going to send you an awesome GIFT for your kids…

But to find out what’s the gift you have to do something:

Put your name and email into the box below 🙂

See you on the other side of this page.

Zach Story

View Inside The Book Here

We Bridge The Gap between Learning and Doing, Bringing Real-World Experience Into Your Kids' Entrepreneurial Journey

Gary Vaynerchuk - American Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker the CEO and Co-founder of VaynerMedia

Ian Hart - An Entrepreneur, Author of "Healing Hacks" and Founder of EarthFit

The Future Belongs To Entrepreneurs.

Young entrepreneurs have the power to make a difference in the world.

You can turn your passion into a business, and make a positive impact on your community and beyond.

Meet The Creators

Entrepreneurship for kids begins here – let's start building the entrepreneurs of tomorrow, today!


What is the age range for participants in the Academy and Club?

Our program content is thoughtfully curated to cater to participants between the ages of 7 to 17, offering a wealth of value to each individual. As entrepreneurship is fundamentally about problem-solving, our program encourages children to start with the basics and gradually take on more complex challenges.

Younger participants, typically, begin by tackling simpler ideas. They are guided to identify problems in their immediate environment and conceptualize creative solutions. This not only nurtures their problem-solving skills but also cultivates their entrepreneurial spirit at an early age.

As for the older participants, they are presented with opportunities to further refine their skills and take on more intricate challenges. They delve deeper into the nuances of entrepreneurship, honing their abilities to analyze, innovate, and implement solutions to more complex problems.

Are there any prerequisites for my child to join the program?

My Kid Entrepreneur Club is designed for kids that are very serious about entrepreneurship. It's virtual life program led but successful entrepreneurs. In order to be accepted to the Club, completion of the Academy.

How will this program help my child in their future career path?

This program is designed to provide invaluable life skills and experiences that will benefit your child regardless of their chosen career path in the future.

Entrepreneurial Mindset: At the core, this program cultivates an entrepreneurial mindset, which is invaluable in any profession. This includes problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and resilience - skills that are highly sought after in many career paths.

Real-world Skills: Participants learn real-world skills such as financial literacy, project management, negotiation, and communication. These are applicable in virtually every profession and are crucial for personal development as well.

Networking: The program provides opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and industry professionals. Such connections can open doors to internships, mentorships, and collaborations in the future.

Confidence Building: As participants navigate challenges and celebrate victories within the program, they build confidence in their abilities. This increased self-assuredness will be beneficial in interviews, job performance, and career progression.

Future Entrepreneurs: And of course, for those who wish to tread the path of entrepreneurship, this program provides a solid foundation. It offers an understanding of how to start and manage a business, raising the chance of success in their entrepreneurial ventures.

How is success measured in the program?

Success in our program is not solely defined by traditional metrics, but is instead measured through a combination of personal growth, skill development, and practical application of learned principles.

Personal Growth: One of the key indicators of success is the personal growth observed in our participants. This includes increased confidence, improved communication skills, enhanced leadership abilities, and a refined understanding of entrepreneurship.

Skill Development: Success is also measured through the development of core entrepreneurial skills such as problem-solving, creativity, resilience, critical thinking, and financial literacy. As participants progress through the program, we assess the improvement and refinement of these skills.

Practical Application: Lastly, the application of learned skills in real-world scenarios is a strong indicator of success. This could be in the form of a business idea pitched, a product developed, or a service implemented. The ability to transform ideas into tangible outcomes signifies a successful learning journey.

Does the program provide networking opportunities for young entrepreneurs?

Yes, indeed! Our program not only focuses on nurturing entrepreneurial skills but also on fostering a sense of community among its participants.

We recognize the value of networking in entrepreneurship, hence, we provide ample opportunities for young entrepreneurs to connect, collaborate, and learn from each other.

My Kid Entrepreneur - 2023 All Rights Reserved

We’re on a mission to build a better future where young generation of entrepreneurs making the world a better place by solving problems in creative and innovative way.


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